Duapune.com ishte pjese e Panairit te Karrieres #MetroCareer 2018, me date 24 Maj, i cili u organizua nga Universiteti Metropol Tirana. Gjate ketij panairi studentet paten mundesi te njihen me kerkesat per punesim, trajnim dhe internship qe duapune.com ofron. Gjithashtu ata u keshilluan se si te mund te krijojne kontaktet e para me tregun e punes. Duaune.com do te vijoje te marre pjese ne panaire te tjera ne vazhdim. Na ndiqni ! :) Duapune.com was part of the Career Fair #MetroCareer 2018, dated 24 May, which was organized by Metropol University Tirana. During this Fair, students were able to get acquainted with the employment, training and internship requirements that duapune.com offers. They also advised on how to create first contacts with the job market. Duaune.com will continue to attend other ongoing fairs. Follow us! :)