Këshillimi i karrierës

Panairi i Karrieres, Universiteti Epoka, 03 Maj 2018

Këshillimi i karrierës
                            duapune.com mori pjese ne Panairin e Karrieres, i organizuar nga Universiteti Epoka, per te pestin vit radhazi, me 03 Maj 2018.  Gjate ketij aktiviteti ju dha mundesi studentve te intervistohen nga ekipi jone dhe gjithashtu te keshillohen ne perzgjedhjen se karrieres se tyre ne vazhdim, per te pasuruar profilin e tyre profesional me trajnime dhe internshipe te ndryshme nepermjet shpalljeve qe kompanite bejne nepermjet duapune.com duapune.com participated in the Career Fair, organized by Epoka University, for the fifth consecutive year, on 03 May 2018. During this activity we were given the opportunity for students to be interviewed by our team and also advised on selecting their career in continuation, to enrich their professional profile with various trainings and internships through announcements that companies publish through duapune.com