Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Përshkrimi i kompanisë

PRINTEC Albania Ltd. is a part of PRINTEC Group. PRINTEC Group is the prime provider of Transaction Automation solutions in Central and Eastern Europe, offering a wide range of ICT solutions tailored to the needs of financial institutions, petrol companies, large retailers, telecom operators, as well as service providers and government organizations. The company operates with subsidiaries in 15 countries - Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, F.Y.R.O.M, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia (incl. Montenegro), Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. Printec's technology is the force behind integrated IT solutions that improve human interactions, making everyday life easier. Our solutions are behind every day transactions. From cash transactions via ATMs, to card transactions, serf-service solutions and more, hundred organizations meet and exceed their customers' expectations, while at the same time optimize their operations, creating cost efficiencies. Partnering with world leading technology solutions providers such as NCR, Verifone, TONBELLER, Welcome Real-Time, Oracle, Flash Networks, and many others, Printec Group provides best of breed, reliable solutions to a wide range of organizations.


Punët aktive nga Printec Albania Ltd

Customer Service Engineer Printec Albania Ltd

Tirane, Shqipëri 02-04-2025 edhe 21 ditë