Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Mirëseerdhët në duapune.com

Kodi Punës: 99429


Tirane, Shqipëri 20-03-2025 edhe 8 ditë


kërkon të punësojë:


  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, or related field is required.
  • 0 – 3 years of relevant experience.

Detaje të pozicionit

Kategoria e Punës / Profesioni:
Tipi i punës:
Kohë e plote
Kërkohet foto:
Letër interesi:
Rroga Bruto:
Data e përfundimit
Tirane, Shqipëri


Flex Business Solutions, a consulting firm in support of a group of USA Companies in Construction Services, is looking for Engineers to join their team.



  • Review and analyze take-off requests.
  • Read drawings, prepare and review take-offs of others from planning documents or engineering drawings to be translated into estimates.
  • Prepare specifications, portions of technical reports as well as the developments of engineering plans and specifications and quantity estimates for various projects.
  • Assist in changes to scope, prepare estimates for systems and subsystems and prepare a detailed breakdown of components.
  • Communicate with team members and the New York team about project details.



  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, or related field is required.
  • Ability to apply technical skills and read construction documentation to meet project demands.
  • 0 – 3 years of relevant experience.
  • Having a very good knowledge of the AutoCAD program, Revit is also preferred.
  • Previous construction experience is a plus.
  • Very good knowledge of English language, spoken and written.
  • Attention to details and ability to contribute to a positive work environment.


Për të aplikuar në këtë pozicion pune, dërgo CV-në tek kompania/organizata me email duke klikuar ose apliko nga duapune.com.

Send us your resume at: [email protected] or reply to this email.

For additional info, please visit www.flex.al or call or Whatsapp at: +355696523295


Si të kryeni me sukses aplikimin tuaj tek duapune.com!

1. Fillimisht klikoni butonin "Aplikoni".

2. Pasi klikoni këtë buton, më poshtë ju shfaqet mundësia të përzgjidhni 1 nga CV tuaja që keni krijuar në llogari si punëkërkues.

3. Në rast se kompania kërkon dokumenta shtesë, ju do të keni mundësi që të përzgjidhni dokumentat nëpërmjet rubrikës "Bashkëngjit Dokumente" që do të shfaqet poshtë "Zgjidhni CV që i përshtatet më së miri pozicionit të punës".

4. Në fund klikoni butoni "Dërgo".


Flex Business Solutions

We were formed as a professional organization to work collaboratively with our sister company in New York, USA. We function as a support team from the concept planning stage through to the completion stage. Our main objective is to build a highly skilled professional team/family that can work together with both our New York office and the Albania office. Our team utilizes common sense, practical experience, and academic skills to analyze, solve and complete any problem/objective that may come across their desk.

Flex Business Solutions is a sister company from a group of companies in New York. The office is well structured in many departments which currently work at the same timezone as New York hours, 13:30-21:30 (Albania Timezone). Flex is located on Rr. Kavajes, Kompleksi Delijorgji Building L K8  in the wide spacious office of around 1000m2. 

Company Departments are as follows.

We are expanding exponentially and we are looking for highly talented and motivated individuals to grow along with our company. While our growth isn’t only limited to Albania but also to the US, we are expanding further out in the hopes to become a unified corporation around multiple corners of the world. If you are looking to expand, not only professionally but also culturally, the Flex Business Solutions is the right fit for you.