Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Mirëseerdhët në duapune.com

Kodi Punës: 99411

Administrative Coordinator

Tirane, Shqipëri 20-03-2025 edhe 8 ditë


kërkon të punësojë:


  • Full Training is provided for all qualified applicants for each and every aspect of the job.
  • Working Hours: 14.00 – 22.30 (Monday- Friday)
  • Salary: 70’000 ALL (Taxi service provided for the evening ride home)

Detaje të pozicionit

Kategoria e Punës / Profesioni:
Asistent Zyre
Tipi i punës:
Kohë e plote
Kërkohet foto:
Letër interesi:
Rroga Bruto:
70000 ALL
Data e përfundimit
Tirane, Shqipëri


In Motion ABA is a leading Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy service provider in Florida, USA specializing in supporting and developing individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental challenges

We are currently looking to hire an Administrative Coordinator


Job Duties:

  • Proficiently communicate in English through emails and phone calls
  • Take incoming and insurance calls.
  • Prepare and send insurance billing.
  • Work on incoming and outgoing invoices
  • Must be comfortable interacting with US insurance companies (training will be provided)
  • Excellent organizational, time management, and communication skills
  • Detailed down to the smallest aspects and solution-oriented
  • Keeping track of authorization for each customer and qualification for each employee in a timely manner
  • Conduct investigations and actively resolve issues related to billing.
  • Respond to customers and corporate emails. 



  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Fluent in English (speaking, writing, listening).
  • Be able to multitask.
  • Ability to learn required software.
  • Advanced computer skills
  • Be willing to learn new things and keep an open mind


Për të aplikuar në këtë pozicion pune, dërgo CV-në tek kompania/organizata me email duke klikuar ose apliko nga duapune.com.
  • Full Training is provided for all qualified applicants for each and every aspect of the job.
  • Working Hours: 14.00 – 22.30 (Monday- Friday)
  • Salary: 70’000 ALL (Taxi service provided for the evening ride home)

Address: Rruga e Bogdaneve, Tirane

Please send your CV to [email protected]

Si të kryeni me sukses aplikimin tuaj tek duapune.com!

1. Fillimisht klikoni butonin "Aplikoni".

2. Pasi klikoni këtë buton, më poshtë ju shfaqet mundësia të përzgjidhni 1 nga CV tuaja që keni krijuar në llogari si punëkërkues.

3. Në rast se kompania kërkon dokumenta shtesë, ju do të keni mundësi që të përzgjidhni dokumentat nëpërmjet rubrikës "Bashkëngjit Dokumente" që do të shfaqet poshtë "Zgjidhni CV që i përshtatet më së miri pozicionit të punës".

4. Në fund klikoni butoni "Dërgo".

ABA In motion

MIW Builders INC is an installing company, with more than 20 years in the American Market that collaborates with the 2nd Corporate in the USA in retail, Lowe’s. Our company is located in Oakland Park, Florida, and our second branch is in Tirana, Albania.