BBD shp.k, Rruga Ish Fabrika e Qelqit, Kombinat Tirane
Tirane, Shqipëri
Tel: +355 4 4504709
Mobile: +355 697065177
Tirane, Shqipëri
Mobile: 0686033033
Franck, one of the most successful food production and export companies in Croatia, started its long history and fine tradition over 120 years ago. The story of Franck goes back to 1827, when a young and ambitious German entrepreneur named Johann H. Franck managed to produce a coffee substitute using chicory root. The factory in Zagreb opened in 1892 and its activities were initially based on Johann H. Franck's idea of turning chicory into a coffee substitute. Since then, due to its expansion to the regional markets and investments in research, development and innovation, the company has become a symbol of visionary, entrepreneurial spirit and progress, and an excellent international business tradition.