Kompania 4 A-M me fushe veprimi ne ndertim , kerkon te punesoje nje Inxhinier Topograf .
Te interesuarit te dergojne CV ne adresen ; [email protected]
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“4A-M” LLC is a leading construction company in Albania with a portfolio that includes various projects in different fields. We strive to deliver quality while maintaining the highest health and safety standards.
4A-M specializes in complex and prestigious construction and infrastructure projects. 4A-M highly skilled and dedicated team, their innovative methods, their investment in machineries and a rigorous standard for completion have provide us with a competitive advantage and recognition in the industry.
“4A-M has demanding HSE and sustainability standards and the health and safety of both their employees and the general public is given utmost priority.
4A-M vision is to be a leading construction company in their chosen markets, wanted by potential clients and employees for their track record in reliable execution and cost effectiveness.
4A-M is committed to continuously increase our expertise by executing larger and more sophisticated buildings and infrastructure projects while maintaining a highly selective risk management process for every new project and venture.
4A-M will always operate at highest level of safety, quality and cost effectiveness, to ensure we remain the most attractive to their clients, employees and partners.
By approaching best experts who with their skills will help as to continuously innovate and adapt to new markets and challenges we aim to grow and increase profitability.