Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Kodi Punës: 99814

Ground Handling Supervisor

Tirane, Shqipëri 01-04-2025 edhe 20 ditë

Detaje të pozicionit

Kategoria e Punës / Profesioni:
Specialist i Marrëdhënieve me Klientin
Tipi i punës:
Kohë e plote
Kërkohet foto:
Letër interesi:
Rroga Bruto:
Data e përfundimit
Tirane, Shqipëri


The Ground Handling Supervisor delivers quality customer services in line with the airline's brand identity and policies.  

  • He/she provides to the airline an overview of the performance of the ground handling agents.
  • As a job closely releated to front office, he/she has excellent customer service, communication and social skills, and is able to maintain high service levels and respond to operational ad hoc situations.
  • He/She develops solutions, and is able to make decisions and solve problems quickly.
  • Furthermore, he/she is detailed-oriented in order to carry out checks and perform investigations, and is also highly motivated with a positive attitude.
  • He must be able to work in shifts.

This job offers  an excellent opportunity to  be part of aviation industry internationally.


  • Ticketing activites;
  • Supervision of services rendered in Tirana International Airport(TIA) on behalf of airlines;
  • Provision of daily reports.


  • Bachelor's degree;
  • Very good knowledge of English;
  • Very good communication skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Good skills in Microsoft Office;
  • Ability to work under stress;
  • Availability to work in shifts;
  • Previous experience in customer service is an advantage.


Për të aplikuar në këtë pozicion pune, dërgo CV-në tek kompania/organizata me email duke klikuar ose apliko nga duapune.com.

Please send your CV at; [email protected]

Si të kryeni me sukses aplikimin tuaj tek duapune.com!

1. Fillimisht klikoni butonin "Aplikoni".

2. Pasi klikoni këtë buton, më poshtë ju shfaqet mundësia të përzgjidhni 1 nga CV tuaja që keni krijuar në llogari si punëkërkues.

3. Në rast se kompania kërkon dokumenta shtesë, ju do të keni mundësi që të përzgjidhni dokumentat nëpërmjet rubrikës "Bashkëngjit Dokumente" që do të shfaqet poshtë "Zgjidhni CV që i përshtatet më së miri pozicionit të punës".

4. Në fund klikoni butoni "Dërgo".

Avioalb Services

Avioalb Services, a privately-owned enterprise,  is specialized in station management and administration. Is is acting as a trusted representative  for both scheduled  and charter airlines operating in  Tirana International Airport (TIA).

Moreover, Avioalb Services is an IATA accredited agent which offers  several  ticekting acitivities.  Established in December 2014 by aviation professionals, the company prides itself on delivering tailored, professional services to airlines and their clients, meticulously aligned with the requirements and regulations of its clients.