Kompania AUX.AL distributor exclusive I sistemeve te kondicionereve AUX HOME & ELECTRIC CO., LTD (AUX Commercial Air Conditioner)
Shpall pozicionin vakant per Montues Profesionist
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Trans-Logistic Transport Company Ltd is a company dealing with international transport and established in January 2016,
Company offers a wide range of transport services import & export goods from all countries / ports . For normal & reefer containers & trucks from / of Europe, Balkans, Asia, America, Turkey, Canada ... etc.
Trans-Logistic services, it's permanent commitment.
Company offers services import and export of the goods A part from consolidation, we offer full scope of services & including
Logistics Spedition
Shipping Agency
Customs Broker
Staff (office employees)
Trans-Logistics Company is organized in 5 Departments and have a professional staff of 15 specialized employees.
The staff is experienced and characterized by honesty and credibility & properly qualified