Punë part-time Punë nga shtëpia Kompanitë Punët e ditës HOREKA Teknologji

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Osnabrück, Germany

Essen, Gjermani



Më skano:

Përshkrimi i kompanisë

Q1 as a company Q1 is an independent, medium-sized German company. With over 200 locations, we are one of the five largest petrol station operators in German medium-sized businesses - and our transparent and fair QGas and QStrom tariffs make Q1 an all-round provider of energy. With us you only fill up with high quality fuel from German refineries. We place customer satisfaction first in our company. We attach particular importance to personal advice and support. We do not want to be the largest, but we want to be among the best in our industry and feel responsible for the interests of our customers and business partners. Q1 Energie AG is one of the five largest petrol station operators in German medium-sized companies and represents a market share of over one percent of the overall German market. The company places itself in the current rankings of the 100 largest companies in Lower Saxony, published by NORD / LB.